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UK Pension

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UK Pension Transfer: Early planning is key

Have you returned to New Zealand from the UK? Here are some key reasons to ponder a UK Pension transfer early and request your free Report.
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Have you returned home to New Zealand after years of living and working in the UK?

Relocating to the opposite side of the world and back again is not for the fainthearted, especially in these times of limited travel. And as a returning Kiwi, you may still have seemingly countless details to figure out – including what to do with your UK pension.

The earlier you start planning, the better, so you can adjust your decisions and seize the opportunities that present themselves. If you’re already back in NZ, you can click here to request a free, personalised UK Pension Transfer Report: by bundling up all the key information you need early in the process, it can help you understand where you’re at, and importantly, where to from here.

Here are some key reasons to ponder a UK Pension transfer early and request your Report.

Understand if a UK Pension transfer is for you

First of all, it’s important to note that, depending on your circumstances, a UK Pension transfer may not make good financial sense for you. Every pension and every person is different, so getting tailored advice early in the process can help you make an informed decision from the get-go.

Know if you’re eligible for the four-year tax-free window

Have you been living out of New Zealand for at least 10 years? Then you may be able to transfer your UK pension tax-free within the first four years of becoming a NZ tax resident again. By knowing early whether you’re eligible for the four-year tax-free window, you can plan your next moves accordingly and make the most of your transfer. 

Delve deeper into your financial situation

The objective of the Risk Assessment Questionnaire is to help you determine your risk profile, time horizon, financial needs, long-term goals and expectations. You’ll find all this and more in your personalised Report.

Based on your risk profile, we’ll show you what the expected long-term average returns are for that particular level of risk, and outline our proposed asset allocation for your portfolio.

Learn about the benefits and potential issues to consider

UK Pension transfers are complex and usually time-consuming, so seeking assistance as early as possible is crucial.

As you’ll learn from your Report, there can be many benefits to transferring your UK Pension to New Zealand, like the tax-free window, gaining investment oversight, and reducing your investment exposure to volatility (just to name a few). On the other hand, among the potential issues are NZ tax implications, currency risk, changes in markets and regulations, and the risk of losing some important benefits in the process.

Get your free UK Pension Transfer Report underway

Your personalised report is designed to answer many of the questions you may have, specific to your circumstances. It can provide you with a detailed overview of the ‘big picture’ items to consider, to help you make stronger financial decisions about your retirement savings.

Click here to get your free comprehensive UK pension transfer report underway today. It can be an essential step towards setting up your New Zealand life for a bright financial future.

Give us a call on 0800 UK 11 NZ, email or request your free UK pension transfer report today.
